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Some useful tips about growing a YouTube channel(s02)

     July 6, 2023     Daily Related ReadingGrow YouTube

We can give you some tips on how to grow a YouTube channel. Here are some of the proven ways you should consider:

Create different channels for different languages or countries/regions. This way, you can tailor your content to the preferences and culture of your target audience. You can also use captions, translations, or third-party tools to make your videos more accessible.

Use “BOGY” thumbnails. These are thumbnails that use blue, orange, green, and yellow colors to stand out from the red, black, and white colors of YouTube. These colors can attract more attention and clicks.

Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags for SEO. Use keywords that your potential viewers are searching for on YouTube and Google. Include your main keyword in the first 1-2 sentences of your description and use a proven template. Use the “*MVC Formula” for tags, which stands for Main Keyword, Variation, and Category.

Get more “Suggested Video” views. These are views that come from YouTube recommending your video next to or after another video. To get more of these views, you need to have related videos on your channel that match the topic and style of popular videos in your niche. You can also use similar titles, descriptions, and tags as the videos you want to show up next to.

Rank your videos in Google search. Some topics have video results on Google, which can drive more traffic to your YouTube channel. To rank your videos in Google, you need to optimize them for keywords that trigger video results, such as “how-to”, “tutorial”, “review”, etc. You also need to create high-quality videos that provide value and engage your viewers.

Share your videos on Quora, Reddit, and forums. These are platforms where you can find people who are interested in your topic and might want to watch your videos. You can answer questions, join discussions, or start threads related to your videos and include a link to them. Make sure to provide value and follow the rules of each platform.

Optimize your end screen for views. Your end screen is the last 5-20 seconds of your video where you can promote other videos, playlists, or channels. You can use this feature to encourage viewers to watch more of your content and increase your watch time and views.

Create inclusive content. This means creating content that appeals to a diverse range of people, cultures, and perspectives. You can do this by featuring different voices, stories, and opinions in your videos, or by addressing topics that are relevant to different groups of people. This can help you reach a wider and more loyal audience.

Collaborate with other creators. This is a great way to cross-promote your channels and expose your videos to new viewers. You can collaborate with creators who have a similar niche, audience, or style as you, or with creators who have a different but complementary angle to your topic. You can also join YouTube communities or networks that can help you find potential partners.

Analyze your YouTube analytics. This is where you can find valuable insights into your channel’s performance, such as your views, watch time, subscribers, revenue, etc. You can also see how your videos are performing in terms of impressions, click-through rate, retention, engagement, etc. You can use this data to identify what works and what doesn’t for your channel, and optimize your content accordingly.

You can also try other strategies such as creating playlists, featuring your videos on your blog, sharing video clips on social media, uploading videos when your audience is online, using cards and polls, etc.

The *MVC Formula is a technique for choosing the best tags for your YouTube videos. It stands for Main Keyword, Variations, and Category. Here’s how it works:

  • Main Keyword: This is the main keyword that you want to rank for on YouTube. You should use it as your first or second tag. For example, if your video is about “how to make pizza”, your main keyword tag would be “how to make pizza”.
  • Variations: These are variations of your main keyword that people might also search for. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or YouTube autocomplete to find them. For example, some variations of “how to make pizza” are “pizza recipe”, “homemade pizza”, “easy pizza”, etc. You should use 2-3 variations as your tags.
  • Category: This is a broad term that describes the overall topic or niche of your video. You can use one or two categories as your tags. For example, some categories for “how to make pizza” are “cooking”, “food”, “Italian cuisine”, etc.

Using the MVC Formula can help YouTube understand what your video is about and show it to the right audience. It can also help you rank higher in YouTube search and get more views1.

We hope these tips help you to grow your YouTube channel.

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